MBISS GCHS CH Dun Roman’s Jackpot I Love You 3000 AOM – “Tony”

GCH CH Dun Roman’s Getaway Driver, AOM – “Auto” x Dundane W Asans Twist of Fate V Steelrose – “Faith”
Monster finished at 10 months old and along the way was awarded Best in Sweepstakes at the Great Dane Club of San Diego, a Group 1 at the Eukanuba Puppy Spectacular, defeated Champions from the puppy classes and a Specialty major at the Monterey Bay Great Dane Club Specialty. Finishing from the puppy classes owner handled by Daniel Magee.
Bred by Robert Payne, Anita Sanders and Jennifer Costantinidis
Owned by Jennifer Costantinidis, Robert Payne and Daniel Magee